senior living centers social media
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9 Creative Ideas for Assisted Living Center Social Media

If you work in an assisted living center, social media can be critical if you want to spread awareness for your group. Many aren’t aware of the power social media can have. However, it can be tricky to start. What can you do with social media to help your brand grow creatively? Read on to…

Seniors looking at affordable housing

Top 6 Ways That Seniors Find Affordable Housing

The cost of senior living is increasing, but while the older generation enjoys a longer life expectancy, they are often challenged to maintain financial security for their later years, especially when it comes to paying for senior care or housing.  There are several government programs that help individuals who qualify to locate and pay for…

senior woman reading direct marketing
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Direct Marketing to Seniors: The Ultimate Guide

For many, marketing to seniors can be a challenge, not in the least because this age group has less time to engage in advertising than younger generations do. Mailing lists help you target your message, but they only work if your list is accurate and up-to-date. To successfully market to seniors via direct marketing means…

searching for assisted living

9 Surprising Things Seniors are Looking for Online

If you are in any service industry, then knowing the types of activities that interest your targeted audience is very important. In particular, the senior housing service industry has become a booming business. As such, it is especially important in being able to offer them those services and activities which they enjoy. In the last…

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